I like this shot as it now shows the scientifc part of the police investigation into the murder. The close ups on the evidence that the police have shows that the murderer is close to being found. Again the black and white effects that are used make the pieces of evidence look more fascinating as more detail is shown in the image.
The image that i have chosen here shows death and murder. The skeleton and bones around it reveal a horror genre because of the dead person and its bones. I like this shot of the skelleton and the glasses because it resembles a murder and it gets you intreged therefore you want to find out more about the killing, so you want to keep watching.
I chose this shot because it shows that a police investigation is going on after which highlights that there could be murder that has taken place. The low angled camera shot is used here looking up at the police line to really show that an important investigation is going on and for people to be aware that the police are there.
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