In my film i feel the main social group I am targeting is young adult to adult groups because my film will have allot of blood, i am putting this in so that people in this type of age group because result from my survey showed that they are attracted to this type of media. I am also aiming to attract the rich and upper class people because they will relate to my characters as a highly trained assassin and a banker. I also believe that may characters relate to the young adult people categories because there is also allot of action.
My two character walk through a royal square, i think this attracts all types of social groups because in the square i have recorded at, there are all types of different people.
I have also based my film on two things , which include the video game Assassins creed and the film Hit-man these two productions helped me because it allowed me to merge them together and also embed my own ideas. I have used Assassins Creed, but i have modernized it and added Hit-man scenes such as when i have the pigeons flying off, this allowed me to involve people that enjoy thriller and action and upper class social groups.
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